It is important to know the difference between Keto Diet and Atkins to be able to now what is suitable for you to utilise to achieve optimal health and not just for aesthetic reasons.
This article will give you a better understanding of what are the similarities and differences of Atkins and Keto to help you decide which will work for you best.
History of Ketogenic Diet
In understanding Nutritional ketosis, we must first try to study the history of Keto Diet.
During 500 BC, it was said fasting was used to treat epilepsy and because there were no drugs available during that time, fasting was popular in managing epileptic patients.
It was in 1920s that further studies backed the science that it was ketosis that was behind restoration of health and management of epilepsy.
In the dawn of medication therapy, anti-convulsant was used and its popularity was supported by the effectivity in treating epileptic children
The first research conducted on how fasting can treat epilepsy was done in France and this study showed that there is a marked improvement in patients’ condition, specifically their mental abilities.
In 1921, an endocrinologist by the name of Dr Henry Geyelin discovered that when people fast there is an increased level of ketones and blood glucose level decreases. The state of ketosis was then found to be the one responsible in treating illnesses.
In 1924, Russel Wilder was the one who coined the term ‘Ketogenic Diet‘ when he discovered that high fat, low carb diet can bring about production of ketones in the liver that aids in treating epilepsy.
History of Atkins Diet
Atkins Diet was popularised by a cardiologist named Robert Atkins. He was an advocate of carbohydrate restriction and high protein and high fat diet.
During 1970’s, he published a book that was sold to millions of people world wide regarding Atkins Diet.
This brought controversy and Atkins diet suffered scrutiny from the people in the medical world. Questions about the effects of this kind of diet to the cardiovascular system arose.
This prompted a research studying the effects of high fat diet. Surprisingly, the research showed that Atkins diet resulted to weight loss and, also, lower lipid levels.
Similarities of Keto and Atkins Diet
Both of these diets had a massive following and can be considered as two of the most famous diets known world wide. Their similarity lies in carbohydrate restriction.
They are both forms of Low Carb Diet where in they limit sugar intake to utilise another form of energy source for the cells in the body. Both are also known to induce production of ketones that are used in the body.
Since they promote low carb intake and we all know that carbohydrates are high caloric foods, it is easy to assume that both of the diets are form of low calorie diet and both can result in significant weight loss.
Atkins Diet has 4 phases, it’s first phase known as Induction is very similar to Keto Diet where in it restricts carb intake to only 20 grams per day.
Differences between Keto and Atkins
Ketogenic Diet is a low carb, moderate protein and high fat diet while Atkins is a low carb, high protein and high fat diet.
Classic Keto has a 4:1 or 3:1 fat to protein ratio while Modified Atkins will only have 2:1 fat to protein ratio. The percentage of your caloric intake from proteins is higher in Atkins compared to Keto.
Since Atkins have several phases, one of which is Atkins Diet Induction phase, your carbohydrate and protein intake will depend on what phase you are in. Depending on your set weight goal, you can slowly incorporate carbohydrates back to your diet.
In Keto, the main focus is to be in the state of ketosis that is why there is a consistent low carb intake to prevent you from being kicked out of ketosis.
There is more flexibility in Atkins diet because it will eventually allow you to consume other foods that have higher carb content.
Which is better?
The answer to this will definitely depend on who’s doing it. There are people that can’t sustain low carb diet for a long time that is why Keto will not be a good choice for them. Atkins will have the wider options of food and Keto will be more restrictive.
Keto diet, however, with continuous low carb intake will result to ketosis which can be beneficial for your body’s health in the long run. This will regulate and control blood sugar and prevent insulin resistance.
The downside to Keto is, if you are not careful enough to monitor, you have the possibility to have electrolytes and minerals imbalance due to long term restricted carb intake.
To summarise, both diets are known to give good results when it comes to weight loss and they both have good health impact but it will entirely be the choice of the individual if he can sustain a low carb diet for a very long time (or probably your entire life!) or if you can only sustain it for a short period of time.
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